Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Penguins with Law Books . . .

It is absolutely frigid in my Intellectual Property room. I mean, I’m losing circulation in my fingers. I said something to he administration and she said she’d pass the word along, but apparently the rooms are kept overly-cold to help thwart the proliferation of germs. I read in the Insider’s Guide to Law School that they do it to help students stay awake (it’s so easy to slep when it’s warm...), so who knows.

When I still lived in the attic, I used to love laying on my stomach in the closet with my feet in front of my giant space heater. I attempted to recreate that by purchasing a cheap space heater from Home Depot (literally - $16) and after a year the thing finally crapped out oh me. So now I have to track down a replacement. It’s always something, isn’t it?

I can't believe some people post their entire lives online. That whole MySpace thing is just a disaster for citizens experiencing a deficiency of common sense. Are you just begging to be killed, or what?

I'm so proud of myself, planning ahead for Christmas this year. I already have a few presents procurred and ready to distribute, and Halloween hasn't even arrived yet!