Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Grey Sky Morning

I couldn’t believe how fabulous Gary Allan was on Saturday. Because he has that kind of whiskey-soaked voice (in the same vein, but not as extravagant as, Rod Stewart), I presumed he would be less-than-stellar live, but he didn’t miss a note all evening! He had a fantastic backdrop utilizing black light, and candles on stage to build ambiance (that was a lawsuit waiting to happen, but I digress…). I scored all the songs I wanted to hear: “Smoke Rings in the Dark,” “Her Man,” “Runaway” and “Grey Sky Morning.”

I have an interview with Reinhart this afternoon. Hopefully I won’t get laughed out. I don’t know why I’m so fripping nervous about it… I know I’m not going to get a job offer, and I’m just in it for the experience, but I still want to do well and not screw up in any colossal manner.

The girl who sits in front of me in Evidence spends the duration of the course e-mailing frantically to someone in another room. Everyone in the IM program has the ability to choose a little icon to represent them in the IM window, and she chose – get this – my beloved red monster from Looney Tunes! Thought that was cool.

Last night we had a major rainfall... to the point that the pounding actually woke me up, Then, when I walked out of the bedroom this morning, something wet fell on my head. My supposedly-fixed roof is leaking, again. This time it was only one or two drops, but come on.

Speaking of a “grey sky morning...” we’re experiencing one today. Here’s hoping for an appearance by the sun.

In the morning I always put on videos to keep me company ... unfortunately, the country music scene is getting rather pathetic. The only ones I want to see are by George Strait and LeAnn Rimes… everything else pretty much stinks. This week I’ve been watching VH1 and MTV instead of country, really for the first time in a long time. There’s some decent stuff out – the new Killers video “When You Were Young” (video stinks, song is good), Keane’s “Is It Any Wonder,” that OutKast song that has faces singing from flowers and a marching band playing from the back of a pink cadillac, Panic! at the Disco’s “But It’s Better if You Do,” Hinder’s “Lips of an Angel” (awful title, great song & video), I’m really glad Hinder came onto the scene – they’re basically Fuel revisited. Their single follows the pattern of Fuel’s “Hemorrhage” perfectly – start soft, swell into chorus, fade back to soft. The singer’s got that raspy voice and an overemoting performance style. Excellent. Hope the rest of their stuff is decent. What a horrible song title, though – they couldn’t come up with anything less corny? I hope the country scene shapes up soon.