Wednesday, August 16, 2006

OCI, Day 2

I just had one interview today, with Katten Munich Rosenman. The door had a sign outside that read, “Please knock two minutes before your interview.” Glad that I had arrived considerably early, I flipped open my cell phone and paced in a small oval while waiting for the stubborn white numerals to reach 9:18. I knocked with all the assertion I could muster and through the glass the interviewer nodded solemly. He reminded me of Jabba the Hutt... with a less approachable demeanor.

The interview did nothing to dispel this first impression. The guy was about as engaging as a brick wall, and only once produced a half-smile.

Some Questions:
- Your grades are lower than the applicants we typically hire. What should I tell the recruiting committee if I have to go back and say, “I like this candidate, but her grades…”
- You lack the technical background our firm requires of IP associates. Are you interested in any other areas?
- What about our law firm interests you?

In other local news, this is really not important, but Bruno Kirby died! He played Billy Crystal’s best friend in When Harry Met Sally. I can’t believe it! Lukemia, of course. Further proof that cancer will provide a solution to the world's overpopulation dilemma.