Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Potentially Triumphant Return

All right, this is getting ridiculous. I’m all in favor of thunderstorms, but we’re under yet another severe storm warning. Maybe we’ll get golfball-sized hail, like earlier this week! Rah!

Some homicidal maniac of a bird positively dive-bombed my car with little white droppings, to the point that it looks like a giant domino. Literally - I could play connect-the-dots and come up with a whole host of constellations.

In other local, potentially good, news… I called the Geek Squad again (persistence = productivity) and it turns out my computer is (allegedly) on its way back to the Champaign Best Buy, having left the store yesterday. Apparently (they never informed me of this, by the way) if the repair estimate is under $150 they just go ahead and repair the computer without waiting for the owner’s authorization. So the $144 keyboard repair job has been completed, and I should (should, should, should) have my computer back by the end of the week. How cool, huh?