Wednesday, April 5, 2006


Well, today was false alarm round #2 - we had another fire alarm, this time in Constitutional Law, which is inarguably my most difficult course and the one least amenable to time infringements. Where’s the justice? At least it’s 70 degrees outside and sunny, so we all lulled in the parking lot squinting and chatting instead of freezing on the wet pavement, shivering and grumbling. But I think the powers that be need to pull out a copy of The Boy Who Cried Who Cried Wolf and apply the principles to our current situation.

I feel like a walking zombie, having not slept for two consecutive nights. But, just two more nights, and then I get my slumber buddy back! I love the puppy...

I was so psyched last night for a brand new episode of the Gilmore Girls... then I got home and sat down to work on my Civil Procedure class outline and worked right through the show. I didn’t even notice the time until there were only ten minutes left, by which time I had absolutely no clue what was going on. that’s the realm of “pathetic” my existence has entered: I was so wrapped up in distinguishing between in rem and quasi in rem jurisdiction of courts that I forgot about the outside world. That’s just scary. I hope my mind doesn’t shrivel up in protest of a steady diet of legal principles, which seems an entirely viable possibility.

Although I’m looking forward to decorating eggs this weekend, I wish Easter fell in a differnt month. I just don’t have the time to spare. I’m going to feel guilty the entire time for not spending the hours working on my outlines or running notecards.

I received my registration time for the fall semester - April 12. Not that I have the slightest idea what to take. It seems like a total crapshoot - just pick your interests and go for it. The top contenders seem to be Business Administration, Income Tax, Evidence, Patent Law or Wills and Trusts, but I’m sure enrollment caps and time constraints will pare down my availiable selections considerably.