Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Off the Hook

In my continuing quest to conquer insomnia, I decided to get ready for bed last night as soon as Mom called. About fifteen minutes into the conversation, I had everything turned off and lay in bed for the remaining time, on the inference that I’m always so calm and relaxed afterward that removing the agitation of shutting everything down would ease my path into slumber. Around 9:40 I could feel myself relaxing, and wondered why the one night I was truly tired was the one night everyone seemed to have a story to relay or a comment to make. Flash forward to about two-thirty in the morning, when I sat up in bed to the soundtrack of an irritating, high-pitched beep. After about two minutes of staring stupidly into the darkness, I found the phone off the hook and returned it to its hoister so it wouldn’t run out of juice and automatically delegate all potential callers to the voice mail. Flash to a five o’clock phone call from Mom saying I fell asleep on them and scared the poop out of everyone. I am very, very thankful the police weren’t involved. I’m not sure I would have survived the mortification.

I spoke to my professor about skiving off class on Friday morning and she said, quote, "If you feel it is in your best intersts to leave school early, I certainly can't stop you from doing so." Yeesh!

Other than that, nothing really going on at the moment. T-4 and counting!