Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Razzle Frazzle

I turned off my alarm this morning and fell back asleep, unfortunately, which meant my entire routine slipped off course and I shuffled through the morning in a state of total frazzlement. It’s one thing to run late of your own volition... I just despise that groggy, disoriented feeling that chases me all day after an extended sleep. Or maybe, as George Strait says, I just hate everything when I'm tired.

I was unaware of this fact, but according to the American Bar Association, I don’t exist until I enroll with them. I’m not sure precisely what this entails, but I’m sure it involves lots of paperwork, a substantial fee and the sacrifice of a first born, or something comparable. I have to attend an orientation session regarding this to learn how to apply for the right to exist as a law student. It’s roughly comparable to the tree in the forest question: If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? Stated differently, if a student goes to law school and the bar is not aware of it, do they exist?

Grammy Awards tonight... wonder if Mariah Carey will win everything. I’m sure the whole thing will prove an extravagant bore, as most award shows are... although I am holding out a modicum of hope for the Academy Awards because Jon Stewart is hosting - he might be all right. I must say I’m bitter that Walk the Line was snubbed in the Best Picture category.

At this point, Champaign does not have any precipitation in the forecast for Friday, Chicago has a “few flurries,” and home has a “few snow showers.” I am holding the clouds to this on the grounds of reasonable reliance.

I can't wait to see my puppy on Friday... can't wait to be drooled on and used as a chewing post... can't wait to see his little ears flopping about as he trots over to greet me. Hooray for puppies, making the world a better place.