Thursday, January 19, 2006


I would like to take this moment to express extreme irritation. I arrived at my Statutory Interpretation course this morning at 7:45 (it starts at 9) to secure a prime spot of real estate in the third row on the aisle. One of the girls I know from Contracts sat behind me, and probably my favorite classmate (we sat together in Research and Writing last semester) sat beside me. Things worked out so well, of course something was bound to go wrong - the prof isn’t passing out the seating chart until tomorrow. This must sound incredibly petty and insubstantial a peril, but when you’re stuck next to the same people for three days a week, five months of the year, you want to be sure they’re agreeable ones! Argh. So now I’m going to have to repeat my abysmally early arrival tomorrow, lugging my sleep-oddled brain into a dark building yet again. Ahhh, well.

I was supposed to attend the first day of my fifth and final course, Criminal Procedure, today as well. Unfortunately, the proessor decided to attend a last-minute Philosophy course and skip town. Thus, that won’t commence until the 26th, so I have a nice glut of time this afternoon to work on my first writing assignment.

The good news is, Intro to Advocacy on Friday ends at 2:20, so I pick up 25 minutes from last semester in terms of departure time. Also, a quick survey of the syllabus revealed that the course is cancelled several times in the final weeks of the semester, thus enabling a 12pm launch. Yay.