Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Uphill Both Ways

“What was that movie that girl did?” – Dean Hurd

Another packed afternoon. Contracts, Criminal Law and Property from 9-1:30, then writing at 3 and a Property Exam Review from 4-6. It’s overcast and gloomy and positively freezing (27 when I trudged into school this morning).

We received a few Criminal Law practice exams yesterday from Dean Hurd. Talk about scary. It’s a wonder I slept at all.

We’re talking in Criminal Law about Accomplice Liability... eeek. There’s two kinds of jurisdictions in terms of criminal charges in the US, ones that follow the common law, and ones that follow the Modern Penal Code. Basically, if you’re charged with just about anything in a court that adheres to the MPC, you might as well pack your things and prepare to be locked away for a long, long time. Wonder what Wisconsin courts follow.

I can't for the life of me figure out why the time on this Blog is off. It says I'm posting this at 9:30, but it's 12:30... and I can't figure out how to change it, because they've made all the options moron-proof and thus non-tweakable.

Not much to say today. Too worried and too tired.