Monday, November 7, 2005

"You're Gonna Make It After All..."

I attended a tour of the Career Services office over lunch and am now sufficiently shaken. I picked up a copy of every pamphlet they offered, including “Obtaining a Legal Position in a Perilous Economy,” which I’m afraid to even crack the cover of. I did procure a recommendation for a book that (allegedly) clearly defines particular areas of practice and what lawyers in those areas do, but the book’s out of print, so I’m going to have to ferret it out on eBay. I have pretty much whittled it down to Business Law, Entertainment Law, Publishing Law (books, etc) or general private practice. I scheduled a meeting with the (allegedly) all-knowing Career Services guide next Tuesday, so I guess I’ll be able to scout out some other resources and get some input on which field I would best fit in to. There are a ton of optional seminars this week on everything from Resume Writing to Interviewing Techniques to Selecting Private or Public Practice, all of which I will be attending on penalty of guilt and fear that everybody else will be acquiring information while I remain ignorant.

Tomorrow’s going to be a really, really long day. I have a bunch of makeup classes, so I start at 9 in the morning and go to 12 with Contracts and Criminal Law, then I have an Exam Writing seminar from 12-1. Then a Torts makeup from 1:15 to 3, Writing from 3 to 4, and Property from 4 to 5. My brain is going to be a little puddle of slush by the end of the day.

Dad’s big on lists, and told me to make a list of all the things I like about living alone to push me to look “on the bright side.” (I would typically be inclined question his authority in this particular area of practice, but he’s been right about everything else thus far.) So here’s my list: (1) keeping “In Her Shoes” (fiction book) cracked open on the counter in the bathroom for maximum reading opportunity whilst brushing teeth, drying hair, etc. (2) Being able to keep the place cold without bothering anybody, thereby enabling me to bundle beneath a sheet, a foam blanket and three of the tapestry throw blankets I love so much to maximize my slumber experience. (3) Being able to burn incense and smelly candles to my heart’s content.

Last week campus was so pretty with row upon row of orange and yellow explosions on the trees. IT seems that over the weekend they all decided to be like the tree in Harry Potter and give themselves a good shake to rid themselves of all foliage – it looked like a Ghost Town when I pulled in this morning.

Every day at lunch while I’m cracking my can of tuna I think about Zippy, and half expect him to materialize.

We had to turn in a worksheet involving a zillion different ways to cite previous cases when writing memos and briefs, and had to obtain an 80% on it to pass the class (thus, it was a rather big deal, obviously). I got it back with a perfect score after suspecting a colossal failure. I guess I’m not a moron after all. ::Insert cheezy Mary Tyler Moore theme music here::