Tuesday, October 25, 2005


I slept in my bed for the first time in about two weeks last night. I had been sleeping on the couch to have access to my extended cable box, but last night I was sufficiently tired to attempt a night in bed. Unfortunately, I neglected to sufficiently wind down before doing so. I should have read for twenty minutes or something before trying to fall asleep instead of researching my Memo. It took me an hour and a half to fall asleep and then I still woke up at five. But the real bummer of the evening was, when I hopped in bed, reached over to plug in my canopy of Christmas lights and ::snap:: one string of Christmas lights went out. You want to talk about a thoroughly sad scene: two strings of bright lights and one span of blank, blinking darkness. Ahh, well.

To further my theory that my downstairs neighbors are nocturnal, I got up to go to the bathroom at about 11:45 and passed a vent to the remarkably pungent scent of.... curry? I think it was curry. I’ve never eaten it, but the sweet smell was something I would theoretically associate with curry as I have conceptualized it. Either that or they were indulging in some strange Oriental delicacy involving sacrificed eels and snail tails laced with sugar.

I have a seminar about the Illinois Bar at 12:30. Being that the school has spent the past two months smacking us in the face with our purported ignorance, I find this largely hypocritical.

I had to turn my heat on for the first time last night after about two weeks of coasting without heat or A/C. Here’s hoping the bill won’t be abysmal, but the New York Times said to expect a 33% price hike this week (or something to that effect) so I guess we’ll see.

I received an e-mail today about registering for the Spring semester, and received my registration time. It seems rather horrid.