Thursday, October 20, 2005


For as long as I can remember, my Dad has spontaneously burst into song at random intervals, and one line he always emits is "Hey, baby, they’re playing out song, the one they used to play when they used to get along." I never knew where the song came from and had never heard it, so I received quite a shock yesterday driving home when I recognized those lyrics on the radio! I was listening to Sirius Gold, the station reserved for music from the 60’s... it was so exciting!

We have Senator George Mitchell visiting the school today to give a speech... the place is like Grand Central Station. This morning I arrived at 8:30 and a good portion of the street parking spots, which are typically vacant until at least 10, were occupied. Then I walked in behind Dean Hurd, who traditionally avoids traversing among us mere mortals. It's a speech on government and the law, but unfortunately I have my WestLaw training session this afternoon. Ah, well.

It’s an absolutely atrocious day today – cloudy and overcast, with deep midnight blue clouds spitting rain. They’re hunkered down over the horizon precluding any sign of sun, their ominous presence augmented by a pathetic high of fifty-freakin’-three. As though I needed another layer of gloom to accent the general drudgery of being alone with my workload day after day. But....

It’s Thursday! It’s Thursday! Rah! Rah! Rah! I get to go home and pack tonight to come Home! Home! Home! I got a Book on Tape of Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women for the ride home. Home! Home! 25 hours and 30 minutes to go! Rah! Rah! Rah!