Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Pungent Odors

I cleaned my bathroom this morning and my hands reek of Chlorox bleach. I should have worn rubber gloves, I realize now, but too little common sense to late... I wasn’t in my right mind, because while cleaning I was listening to the Travel Channel’s Behind the Scenes feature on the Animal Kingdom, and working knowledge of smells temporarily abandoned me. I suppose the “temporary” portion of the statement is arguable...

"It has been brought to my attention that the Rule Against Perpetuities is not taught at most law schools, or indeed in other sections at this law school. This material is so difficult, if you take a bar review class, they will tell you to guess. They’ll tell you to just keep plugging in A, because if there are 8 questions, statistically you’ll get at least one right. I do not subscribe to that defeatist attitude of law. So let’s begin." – Professor Smith