Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Down the Dean's Hatch

I went in to Dean Hurd’s office hours yesterday. I generally try not to because they inevitably turn into lengthy, worthless debates concerning the individual beliefs of particular students in attendance and it’s just a more efficient use of time to go to the library and read a hornbook, but I was really struggling with determining types of intent, and the confusion wasn’t going to crystallize of its own accord. The first twenty minutes were unbelievably helpful, but then students started asking off-topic questions and thus ensued forty minutes of filler. Basically, when you’re bringing a case against someone, you either have to prove they acted with general or specific intent, contingent upon the crime they committed, the circumstances thereof, and the statute you’re attempting to smack them with. It’s largely philosophically-based, though, and once I caught on it became quite logical. Nice to be one of the few who can whip through the problems; not many people bother to go into office hours.

This morning I went outside and it was already 78 at 7:45am. Mr. Plant Man was running behind this morning; he only had about a third of his children wheeled out onto the driveway.

Today in 1949, the Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad debuted in Disney World. I am still bitter about the premature demise of this ride, as I loved it as a sprite. Pshaw.

I’m quite excited for Lost tonight. Yeah, I know I’m a loser, but the characters went down the hatch and FOUND somebody LIVING down there – tonight we get to find out who.