Monday, September 26, 2005

Big Drips

Late posting today because, in the grand confluence of events conspiring to keep me downtrodden, the blogspot website was down for a substantial portion of the day.

Last night I was setting my clothes and books by the door (so that in the morning, as I stumble against the walls in the general direction of the door I don’t have to think too much), I felt a thick pelt smack on the top of my head, by the part of my hair. I looked up and realized the water spot on the ceiling, which Dad had been suspicious of since I moved in, had taken to periodically spitting small quantities of rain at me. I now have a Tupperware container propped in the middle of the floor. It doesn’t drip much, thankfully. I guess I’m going to have to call the service men, but I don’t want them coming in while I’m not there.

On Friday, in my excitement to come home, I accidentally forgot my Mickey umbrella looped over the back of my chair. I was prepared to go to the Lost & Found and duke it out with the massive pile of abandoned goods in a futile attempt at reacquisition, but shortly after I sat down in Contracts the guy that sits next to me in Property, Tevor, came up and gave it to me! Yay! I thought I’d seen the last of Mickey.

Very cold and overcast today. I'd like to lodge a protest.

In our second Contracts class today, a guy that sits thee seats down from me walked in and declared he thought we were in a "safe" zone - that he had a good feeling about this class session. I told him if he jinxed us, he had some major 'splaining to do, as Mr. Ricardo would say. So what happened? Bam, he was the first person called on, and Professor Maggs just worked his way down the line- bam, bam, bam. Luckily, I got a manageable question, but.... it's the principle of the thing.