Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Monday Evening

I went outside today during my break to lay on a beach towel and read Crim Law, and as I walked past the art museum, there was a long string of about fourteen people standing just inside of the art and design building’s glass windows. They had their hands outstretched against the glass, and I deduce partners were perched somewhere in the shadows, sketching the figures. Ever wonder what an alien would think of our society? A string of humans standing still against a clear surface with no discernible purpose while others watch? Of course, what about law students… a massive amount of young people staring at illuminated screens. Hmm.

My least favorite class is Research. Not just because of the time – until 5 on Mondays and Wednesdays – but also the subject matter.

Today on the way home I bought a loaf of bread. Struggling beneath the lurking presence of immense guilt at putting off my reading, I shuffled outside to the pond in the center of the compound, hoping to snag a few finned vermin. At first I paced the edge like Zippidy contemplating the best point from whence to leap off the couch, wondering where to begin, when something splashed in the distance – we have jumpers! At first I only had about six, and wondered with disappointment if I would even make it through two slices, but then the National Guard arrived, and all of a sudden I stood at the microphone for an audience of twenty. It was extremely difficult to ascertain even their color due to the immense murkiness of the water, but they seem to be a clear tawny color with dark brown or blue stripes, ranging in size from three to about seven inches long. They remind me of the giant tropical fish Mom used to have, only these are skinner (probably for lack of nourishment; don’t see how anything can survive amongst all that muck!) They Gobbled the bread like crazy and then thanked me with a few jumps, which was immensely cool (but then, I’m easily amused). There were two dragonflies flittering around on the surface, and a chorus of crickets in surround sound. It was so pleasant and relaxing I retrieved a beach towel and plunked down right next to the water to do tomorrow’s reading. Assorted spiders, biting ants and spiky weeds aside, it was truly quite pleasant. I’m beginning to understand why people enjoy fishing… although I’m still not convinced it qualifies as a sport. Oh, how I wish the weather would never turn!