Friday, September 2, 2005


I got to the library this morning at 8:30 and plugged away at my research project until 10:25, because Torts started at 10:30. It ends at 11:45, so I’m going straight back to try and finish. This one’s a lot more involved than its predecessor; unfortunately, the interest factor has not increased to any considerable level. One of my biggest pet peeves in life is wasting time. It kills me that we have to expend massive chunks of our life chasing little text snippets through hundreds of hard-cover volumes and innumerable dead dust mites, though we just learned how to do the same thing via computer programs.

Well… Checking in later, I’m now in Torts, and I have successfully completed my Research project. Rah! Rah! Rah! It was a tough one, but it’s done! Done! Done! What a relief! I feel so relaxed the adrenaline that almost had me hyperventilating this morning has abandoned me. I’m now struggling to keep my eyes open.

I really like my Property professor. He’s my favorite, followed by Writing professor, and then Criminal Law. Today he integrated another Monty Python reference, this one from Monty Python & the Holy Grail: “There’s a scene where the king spreads his arms wide and says, ‘Son, it’s all yours,’ and the son says, ‘What, the curtains?’” I guess you have to be familiar with the movie, but it was quite funny.

Not that anybody cares, but they ran a rerun of my favorite episode of my favorite tv show last night, Lost. It’s an episode called “Numbers,” and the islanders are trying to figure out what this sequence of numbers means that they heard over a radio transmission The new season debuts in three weeks, and I’m stoked. I’ve never been into a tv show before, and the only reason I am into this one is I just happened to tune in during the pilot of the show and kind of half watched it to see the guy who played Merry in Lord of the Rings. But it turned out to be a mystery show – psychological suspense, in the vein of Silence of the Lambs, which is my favorite genre. Every episode flashes between the current happenings on the island fortysomething plain wreck survivors are stranded on and the life of one of the main characters before the plane crash. Then we can see how the things that happened to the characters before the plane crash taints, influences and molds their interactions with people on the island. It’s all psychologically based and quite creepy, laced with mystery. The thing is, they’re not alone on the island – they met a French woman who has been stranded there sixteen years and is so mentally unstable they can’t ferret any truth or information out of her. All they hear about is the dreaded “Others,” creatures or spirits or people who brought a “sickness” on all the people who were stranded with the French woman and killed them all, and she’s continually harping that the survivors need to be careful about their impending return. Then there’s the matter of the Monster, a mysterious creature that pounds around in the forest picking people off. Because of the destruction it has wreaked they know it’s huge, but nobody’s ever seen it and lived, and the only flash we’ve seen of it consists of a quick-moving black vapor that tried to pull one of the main characters underground. My favorite character is Locke, a fiftysomething former paralysis victim who magically and mysteriously regained use of his legs after the crash. He’s like a human Yoda, full of wisdom and laden one-liners. He’s also one with nature – he’s always out hunting, tracking boars, etc. Very cool guy – hope he’s not picked off by the Monster or the Others. And the really cool thing is the DVD of Season One comes out the 6th! Rah rah rah – I can catch up on my missed episodes as accompaniment whilst I attempt to combat my insomnia on a nightly basis.