Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Wednesday - Day 8

We’ve had wonderful weather all day – spectacular, in fact. It’s plenty warm, about 78 degrees, with a thick but not intrusive breeze to refresh the spirit. It’s overcast, but the grey semi-obscure slate of clouds has a brightness behind them to inspire. But best of all is the feeling weaving through the air, accompanied by the rich scent of moisture clotting in the air. There’s like a promise floating and whirling about, the dorsal fin of an impending storm. Ready? Chant with me now: thun-der-storm! Thun-der-storm!

So, my computer has fantastic wireless capabilities built-in, but some of the class room walls are so thick, we can’t pick up the signal. Thus, we have to enable an Ethernet port, enabling us to plug in with a wire and connect to the internet. Because they’re so paranoid about viruses and hackers, we have to register our MAC address and have a little program registered, and it’s about as complicated as it sounds. So I tracked down the Information Technology Center here, and whilst standing in line, managed to follow the step-by-step instructions to enable the thing myself! I was able to hop out of line and plug into the internet with shocking rapidity. I’m so used to Macs, where everything goes wrong three or four times. I understand why Microsoft is in danger of monopoly litigation.

This has no relevance to anything whatsoever, but Dean Hurd in Criminal Law is wearing the biggest set of art deco copper earrings I’ve ever seen.

For whatever reason, I woke up about 4 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. I wasn’t panicked, just restless and not tired. The exhaustion didn’t hit until about 2pm. Hopefully that will result in a good night’s sleep tonight… I’m holding out for a good storm, I guess.