Monday, August 29, 2005

Day 6 - Another Monday

Well, I’m baaa-ack. I did all right last night. It only took me about an hour and a half to fall asleep last night after the MTV music awards. What a disgusting parade of hip-hop, although I really enjoyed the little waterfall walkway all the winners had to walk through to get their Moonman, and the fact that Green Day won everything as opposed to, say, 50 Cent. The Killers’ performance was kind of fun, but Brendan Flowers didn’t sing very well… kind of breathy, as though he were excessively nervous or something. And did you see Eva Longoria? In just about the ugliest excuse of peach underwear I’d ever seen? I loved the boo’s.

Didn’t panic this morning until I got to school; then was breathless and nervous for a while. Hopefully it will even out.

I have to say something about Dean Hurd, now that I’ve seen her in Criminal Law…. She’s wearing a plaid skirt and matching vest over a white shirt and – here’s the totally cool thing – a big pin with a silver lizard. I don’t know why I think that is so cool, but I am highly impressed. I guess I take it as a sign of personality.

The drive down yesterday wasn’t as bad as usual because Mom was kind enough to fund the acquisition of a Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix audio book, comprising some twenty-five CDs in unabridged format. I did ferret out a number of details that had slipped past in my many readings, and the experience of that actor’s voice embodying all these characters proved thoroughly enjoyable. I did pass something other than corn yesterday – three people sky diving, their mini-parachutes cutting elegant, ribbed arcs in the sky as they dangled below. It looked kind of enjoyable, but I’m sure I’d have a heart attack. This was, by the way, just before I passed the John Deere tractor. On the interstate. I’m not kidding.

I was flipping out this weekend about outlines. Turns out I went online and for about $30 a class (because, hey, this is America, and you can buy anything with some dinero) you can buy outlines of the textbooks keyed to the particular version you are using. It’s awesome. It doesn’t work for every class, so far just two because in the others the professors jump around the book with their assignments like chickens dancing on a hot stove, but it provided immense comfort in those two courses, and at least now I have a vague concept of the intended form.

Because I’m a dork I’m still on the Breyer e-mail list, and they sent me images of the big winners at BreyerFest. Some day, when I have an expendable income, I’m going to go back to showing those stupid little things. They sure are fun.

I’m so glad my panic is starting to subside. God be praised.