Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I would just like to announce that, after forty-five minutes in line yesterday, I am now the proud owner of a CashKey! It’s a little black key fob type thing with a gold spiral, and instead of sticking quarters into the meter, one dip of this guy and you’ve got 20 minutes of a ticket-free existence. Kind of cool – no lugging around massive amounts of quarters.

I am so glad I slept last night. They say caffeine is horrible for panic attacks, so I’m trying to do without, which is infinitely easier with a night’s rest behind me. I started the evening with a slightly disasterous attempt at calming myself with a nice bubble bath. First, I opened my Bath and Body Works Juniper Breeze bath salts to find them eroded into a solid, unyielding mass … which I guess was to be expected, considering I received the thing as a gift my first year of undergrad. Then I tried to run a bath, and the little stopper on the bottom didn’t work, so all the water kept whooshing out. I covered it with a tuppeware container, which was fine until the water passed the container and it started to float. Thus, my unsuccessful attempt at imitating the Romans’ favorite pastime culminated in a short Harry Potter reading in a cold pile of scentless, lukewarm water, accompanied by an overturned Tupperware container and a six-pack of Diet Coke. At least my life is never boring.