Thursday, September 1, 2005

School Stats

Interesting pull from our dean's daily newsletter :

"The College Recruits a Top-15 Entering J.D. Class--Boasting a 3-point Increase in the Median LSAT score and Big Ten Leadership in Diversity

In the past three years, the College of Law has succeeded in taking its J.D. class (THAT'S ME) from the nation's 88th percentile to its 95th percentile while sustaining its record-holding diversity. In recruiting this year's entering J.D. class, the College accomplished a 3-point median LSAT increase, placing the College amongst the top 15 schools in the country by that measure. The Class of 2008 is comprised of 188 students from 26 states and 87 undergraduate institutions, 32% of whom are students of color and 32% of whom are women. The average age of the class is 25 (though its students range from 18 to 37), and 26 (14%) of the class members have advanced degrees. 115 of its students are from Illinois, 69 are from out of state, and 4 are from countries abroad. The class boasts engineers, teachers, scientists, firefighters, artists, economists, soldiers, sailors, venture capitalists, and a retired NFL player (who was an Academic All-American here at Illinois). We are delighted by the wealth of life experiences that this impressively-credentialed class brings to our classrooms and hallways and we extend to its members a hearty welcome to the College.