Thursday, September 8, 2005

ºOº Thursday . . . One More Day . . .

One more day and then I get to go home! Rah!

Last night after Research I tore over to the library to get the project done with all haste. It only took me an hour to complete, as opposed to last week’s seemingly neverending searches and endless questions. Whew! It helped that my professor was at the Research Help Desk last night, so I just kept pestering him whenever I toppled into cluelessness.

Today I arrived at my usual time even though I didn’t have Torts until 10:30 to put the polish on my project (I like a night’s sleep before I double-check it) and then worked on my outline. The library is a really pleasant place to toil until the construction workers arrive and start shaking the foundations of the building.

I still couldn’t sleep last night, so I made a last-ditch attempt at injecting my bedroom with friendliness. My favorite part of Christmas, silly as this sounds, is the confluence of lights – colored ones, not the lifeless white variety. I love the explosion of color that pops up in windows and yards and shops… so I clicked the three strands of multicolor lights that Mom donated together and wound them around the posts of my bed. It’s tacky as can be, and I felt like I had pitched a sleeping bag on a Las Vegas street corner for the amount of illumination that ensued, but it sure did make me feel better. It had the same effect as falling asleep in December with the Christmas trees still illuminated in my room. I guess when Stein’s releases their Christmas lights in late September I’ll invest in some dark purple ones, to simulate the comforting effect but dilute the brightness.

On an unrelated note, I don’t know what’s going on – after two weeks of being ignored, I was called on in Contracts and Property yesterday, and then in Torts today. It’s actually enjoyable, perhaps because the professor catches you so by surprise you don’t have the opportunity to rustle up nerves.

Last night I didn’t talk to anybody before going to sleep, so I had a minor panic episode involving a little breathlessness and chest flutters. At that point I realized my heart hadn’t pounded, my chest hadn’t hurt, and my I hadn't had an odd heartbeat since Sunday. It obviously was just stress. Whew! One more day, and then I'm homeward bound. I'm excited to pack...