Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Wednesday the Third

This morning in Contracts the professor nailed me with one of the cases. It involved a doctor who was summoned to care for an unconscious car accident victim and then sued for monetary compensation of the services rendered. The injured party said that because he was unconscious and therefore unable to consent to medical treatment. Thankfully, I answered correctly… the court made the injured party pay the incurred doctor bills, to uphold a societal principle. We obviously want to encourage doctors to help people in any and all situations, and want to secure unconscious individuals the ability to receive aid in the future – punishing the doctor for helping by not reimbursing him would be contrary to the general common good of society, which the court (allegedly) tries to protect. I actually wish I would get called on more often – it makes class more interesting, and it’s infinitely more enjoyable than listening to someone else ramble

Well… speak of the devil. I’m in Property, and when the professor asked, “Is anyone familiar with Miss O’Keefe? Any fans in the room?” Moron that I am, I raised my hand… and spend thirty minutes in deep interrogation. That was actually really, really fun. I hope I didn’t sound like an idiot, but he did keep asking me questions instead of moving on to someone else, so I must have been doing something right. The case, O’Keefe v. Snyder, involved three paintings stolen from the famous flower artist’s gallery. Talk about hitting all my interests in one fell swoop!

I investigated the average temperatures of Champaign and Mequon on to see the differences, and the average lows for Mequon are 53 for September, 41 for October, 29 for November, 18 for December, 12 for January, 16 for February, 26 for March, and 37 for April. In Champaign, it’s 54 for September, 43 for October, 33 for November, 22 for December, 16 for January, 21 for February, 30 for March, and 40 for April. So I’ve got a little leeway for winter, but not as much as I would like. I guess the truly relevant issue is snowfall, because cold is tolerable, but snow is immensely irritating. It just renders mobility so difficult…

I am sooooo tired. I only have one cup of coffee early in the morning and then boycott caffeine for the duration of the day to provide the maximum chance of sleep, but it’s not really helping. At least I don’t have panic anymore, though; that was infinitely worse than exhaustion.