Friday, September 2, 2005


So I live above a married Oriental couple, one of whom has a vehicle with license plate rims advertising a University of California School of Music. Last night, I was in my drawing room, and directly below me heard someone playing the piano. It wasn’t anything I could recognize, but played with extravagant style and skill. I couldn’t hear it anywhere else in my apartment, so I migrated there to finish my Property reading. Wow! What a talent, and it was so pleasant to listen to.

It took me about four trips this morning to haul my life out to my car in densely-packed packages. I stopped by the vending machines today and obtained $5 in quarters from the change machine to accommodate the blood-sucking Illinois tolls. I contemplated taking out a loan at the gas station. I have Harry Potter loaded in the CD drive. Watch out, Wisconsin, I’m a-comin’!

Property professor quote of the day: “Because we’re the Supreme Court, and if we’re good at one thing, we’re good at making stuff up… and we’ll throw some Latin in to make everybody feel better about it.”