Friday, September 16, 2005


I’m too tired to type.

Stumbled into school yesterday morning when the library opened at 8am and worked on my conflastroginated research project until my Torts class, then worked on it another three hours until my Property class, and finally left at 4:45 to visit Lowe’s and invest in some bug spray. At home I finished the online portion of the project at home online (another hour and a half) and now officially HATE that class. But, the final exam is the “first week” in October, so it’s almost over, I suppose.

Cloudy and overcast today. Blah. I do like the stability of the weather here, though; it doesn’t dip too much at night like it does at home. My toes didn’t freeze like popsicles this morning when I trotted down to the garage loading my car.

I tried one of the Bernie CDs last night to accompany my traditionally futile sleeping endeavors, and I couldn’t even tell you whether I like the CD or not because I zonked out before we even started the guided imagery. Whatever works.

Bigtime drive this evening. Hope there’s not too much traffic.