Thursday, September 15, 2005


The sky has still not complied with my wishes, having scraped together considerable precipitation in the absence of sound effects or firecrackers in the sky.

Just two days after I opened my Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire book and encountered three centipedes scurrying out from the binding, I found ANOTHER one last night! I’m sitting on the floor talking to Mom and movement on the carpet catches my eye right next to Dad’s redwood table. I glance over just in time to see a long red-brown centipede disappear into a notch of wood. I’m standing there in shock, preparing to put out the twenty-something candles, flip over the table and track the sucker down when I see him rushing across my carpet toward the front door, his gazillion legs all aflutter. Geez! I went to and the vagrants are listed under “occasional invaders,” stating that these boogers only seek shelter in homes in times of draught and extreme heat… like now. So maybe there’s hope. Terminx even says it’s not necessary to spray for them, because once the weather changes they’ll leave on their own.

In Property, we’re learning to distinguish between assignments and subleases in real estate, and who can sue whom for defaulted rent.

Why I like my Property professor, part two : “In my first year of law school, I didn’t have Property as a first year law student… it probably still shows…”