Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Recalling a Storm

We had a spectacular storm last night. Driving home from school, I noticed a splinter of lightning in the distance, and glanced over. Within twenty seconds, the overcast sky turned to an imposing blackness, and this really thick wind appeared out of nowhere. Sitting at a stoplight, my entire car started sweeping back and forth, such that I actually wondered if I might turn over. Then the red stoplights popped into blackness, and – I’ve never seen anything like it in my life – the entire street just started popping, one by one, down the street. First the adjacent gas station flickered into darkness, then a Mobil sign, then the coffee shop, a few more illuminated signs, a Blockbuster... it just swooped down the street, leaving an eerie lack of electricity in its wake. If not for the massive gusts of wind, dancing rubble crashing about and immense sense of foreboding, it would have been a really cool experience. This morning, the stoplights were still not working, just flashing red. I guess it’s a nice breach of monotony, but it took forever to get home last night.

Not much to say, today; I've been occupied drafting my immunization opposition letter and my Legal Writing memo.

Quote of the Day:
From my Contracts professor...
"The nice thing about being a Socratic professor is, this morning I criticized you for being too abstract, and now I’m criticizing you for being too concrete."