Monday, September 19, 2005

Puppy Pining

The only thing I don't like about coming home on the weekends is I loll about on Mondays in a haze of loneliness. I know it will dissipate by Tuesday, but for the time being it's extraordinarily uncomfortable, because I'm so infrequently disposed to that state of being. I wish I had a dog. For Christmas, I'm angling for a computer program called "Petz," which allows you to adopt a puppy on your computer desktop and watch it grow - it barks at you and everything. Maybe that will do it.

Mom asked me last night on the phone if I had taken pool water in to be tested. At some point in the conversation I noted that the pool lady "just had Sue shock the pool to try and make the free chlorine and total chlorine levels equal." I think that was the single most boring conversation I have ever subjected someone to. (I suppose readers of this blog could assert otherwise, but that's neither here nor there.)

The Emmy's were on last night... kinda boring, but a nice change to have in the background. I liked Jon Stewart's little bit mocking the network censorship policies, and that Lost won for Best Drama, but other than that...

I saw Just Like Heaven this weekend, and although it was a little heavy on the cheese, it proved quite entertaining, with more emphasis on the latter portion of "romantic comedy" than the former. I really didn't enjoy the portions that were shot in the hospital (Reese Witherspoon played a doctor), but there were nice sharp jabs of pure comedy to spice up the dialogue as opposed to simply pushing the plot along. I'd like to see it again, actually, which doesn't happen often, since most movies released in this day and age are uninspired and generally drab and awful. At least I didn't have a panic attack - last time I went to a movie at the dinner place I had to pull over on the side of the road on the way home and calm down, and then lay in bed all evening. I'm glad that phase of the adjustment-to-a-new-life period has largely passed. As long as I can still function while I panic, I'm all right, on the whole. I still haven't seen Red Eye... gotta get on that... like I have nothing more productive to do with my time, right?...

In Criminal Law today we discussed a case charging that bloke Kervorkian with murder... I don't understand that. Under the law he did actually commit murder, because he provided the means for them to kill themselves with the knowledge and reasonable ability to foresee that they would do so - all you need to do is provide the means. I wish to contest this assertion, but I guess I have to wait two and a half years to do that. Is he a murderer? I suppose, if we're using the statutory definition, but life is about grey areas, and that's what courts are for - to interpret the law. We're a Common Law country, basing our judgments on previous courts' interpretations of statutes. This isn't Germany, where we have to blindly adhere to the laws. Why didn't someone flex and mold the statute to relinquish his liability? If someone wants to die, let them. Isn't that cruel and unusual punishment to keep them alive when they're just going to die a long, slow death from illness?

On a happier note, while I was falling asleep, the Breakfast Club was on. Nothing better than a good, cheesy 80's movie to cap off the evening.

Fall is quickly slithering into our lives, stalking summer like a vulture swooping in on a cute, innocent chipmunk (who, on further analysis, is most likely not so innocent whilst partaking of the rodent inclination to damage the yard by burying bits of chow for later in the middle of an otherwise unmarred, plush green lawn). I miss rollerblading in the suburbs, with the warm wind and nothing to worry about beyond pebbles and dogs prancing along the rim of electric fences. I also miss hopping on a scooter and shuttling over to feed the ducks and the fish. And a little puppy running up and wagging his tail so hard his entire hind end zooms back and forth.