Thursday, September 22, 2005

Fry an Egg on the Sidewalk

I absolutely cannot stop yawning. Thursday is the only day I start class late (10), so I tried to sleep in… but I felt like such a moron last night for not knowing anything about the mondo plane issue that I fell asleep to CNN, and this morning the reporter said economists predicted that gas would leap to $5/gallon as a result of the second hurricane’s aftermath, so that was the end of my slumber. I visited to find the cheapest local fuel and shot over before anyone had a chance to change those little plastic numbers. A few shots of espresso would wake me up but I really don’t want to recommence that habit; additionally, I have come to the conclusion that I really don’t like coffee. I’m going to have to invest in some green tea (which is naturally caffeinated).

Lost was last night; yayyy! I missed a sliver of it because I the kid, Michael, that got kidnapped in the season finale appeared looking like a possessed zombie and I looked away because I wanted to be able to sleep. I learned my lesson after a late-night showing of 28 Days Later thwarted my sleeping attempts for several evenings.

So yesterday the Grand Yapper (aka my Property professor) talked overtime, and I got a ticket. Thankfully, it was a U of I meter, so it was only $10, but it doubles after 72 hours… so today at lunch I zipped over to pay it and then, driving back, missed my turn (Pennsylvania Avenue) and drove clear into the Boondocks of campus. All of a sudden - literally within the span of one street - I entered the back roads of Wisconsin. Empty fields, those tall towers that accompany farms, and… the pungent odor of cows? Sure enough, we have a Dairy Science Research Farm! Isn’t what wild? And across the street there’s a beautiful arboretum – I don’t know precisely what goes on there, but it’s a beautiful collection of trees and benches and wildflowers... absolutely gorgeous. I also encountered the veterinary school – it’s huge.

It’s positively stifling outside – 98 with a beating, blinding sun and not a cloud in the sky.

As a point of trivia (with Nans in mind), I am 76 miles North of Kanakee.

25.5 hours until home!