Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A Sleepy Residue

I am so tired, I keep slipping in and out of wakefulness. I was all right this morning, but it’s really starting to hit me now. I went home for lunch to try and sleep but I was so scared that I wouldn't wake up for Property that I couldn’t bring myself to properly nap. I realize that’s why they make alarms, but at this point I’m so foggy I've probably acquired a temporary ability to sleep through a small bombing. Unfortunately, after Property I have a lapse of time and then my least favorite class, Research, this evening, when I’m sure I’ll be good and groggy and abysmally bored. That's the only class that really puts me to sleep.

One upswing of the day : the season premiere of Lost is tonight! 8pm! Rah rah rah! [I'm sure after all this buildup and anticipation the episode will be a complete and utter letdown, but here's hoping.] We get to see what’s in the hatch! I guess they send Kate down the latter to see what’s there; she’s my least favorite character, so I’m holding out a small hope that something will consume her like a shish kebob.

I’m not sure why I didn’t sleep; I had horrible nightmares that kept waking me up and thwarted my best attempts at sawing logs like Bugs Bunny. The only thing I can surmise is that I ate abnormally close to bed time, which I traditionally avoid doing to circumvent this precise situation. I can’t wait to go home, put on my Mickey pajamas and curl up on the couch with my stuffed Thumper and kiwi bird to read for classes tomorrow while the ninety-degree sun streams through my living room window.

I’m embarassingly excited to go home in two days. I’m kind of homesick, a sentiment which materializes in my practice of driving around with stuffed replicas of Lady and the Tramp in my lap, drooling fuzz on Cicero’s steering wheel. [By the way, Cicero has replaced the unofficial Mr. Big moniker as my car’s official title – it’s my favorite street name, and I pass under it every time I drive home. Plus, it just kind of rolls off the tongue.] I’m thankful that my anxiety has (finally) almost abated... it really only gets me at night, now, and seems on the road to dissipation, just as Dad predicted. Unfortunately, he says homesickness will never disappear. Great.

Quote of the Day, from my eternally-friendly Research professor: "It can look like I bled all over the [homework assignment], but unless it says ‘redo,’ you don’t have to redo it. If you come up and ask me if you have to redo it, the answer is yes. So don’t come up and ask me."