Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I finished my Writing assignment Memo last night and printed it, etc., so all I have to do today is turn it in... so it’s good sport to watch everybody run around like headless chickens today, having left the project until the last feasible moment.

When I carried my books down to the car this morning, it looked like a giant, semi-transparent blanket had settled over the world. I drove the long way to the apartment complex exit, all the way around the pond, just to take in the view. The sun cast a dull glow on the top portions of the cotton ball – type clouds, and faded to an almost sheer transparency on the bottom as it brushed against the top of the lake. Hopefully the weather will hold out today – I’d like to go down and lie by the pond again tonight while reading.

My latest evening art project, of which I partake with liberty from guilt by the justification that I am talking to my Mom and thereby concurrently doing something productive, is my bathroom stool. It’s currently red and covered in blue dots to match my immensely cool toilet seat. Last night I painted a Mickey on the seat, modeled after my shower curtain and bath mat, and in my not-so-humble opinion, it turned out really well. Even being painted totally freehand, all his body parts seem to be in scale, which is quite a feat. I made his face a little too orange as opposed to a pale tan, but it’s not that noticeable; I’m probably just being too critical, as usual. I’m going to add little Mickey shoes, hands and head silhouettes coped from the kitchen dish towels.

Had a really bad night last night. At first it seemed unprovoked, but upon contemplation in my journal I realized it was likely prompted by my Research class yesterday: We started reviewing for the class’s Final Exam on October 7... which brings up another point. October 7. Final exam. Friday. 3-4 PM, argh! They’re unjustly splicing into my home time. Doesn’t that violate some principle of the Constitution? No, I suppose not. Sigh....