Monday, October 3, 2005

Pitter Patter of Little Paws

It’s a beautiful day today – 87 and clear. Naturally, I’m indoors on the rat wheel, enveloped by overly-enthusiastic air conditioning.

I thought it was supposed to get increasingly easier every time I returned here from visiting home, but it sure doesn’t seem to. I almost had a panic attack yesterday driving home, but then I heard the click-whip-click of the hamster wheel, and realized Jacques was skipping along. Jacques is the white one, the bully – he spent all evening beating up on poor Gus-Gus, emitting these horriffic squeals akin to a tortured cat. Looks like mandatory separation for the bickering babies. Turns out there’s a pet store just across the street – I just never noticed it before. That’s dangerous. I might have to stop in there on a regular basis just to Ooooh and Aaaaah for the fun of it.

In Contracts, aka Boring, Inc., we’re discussing instances that render contracts voidable – today’s topics were minors fraudulently entering contracts by lying about their age and mental infirmity. Criminal law focused on the subtle and infinitely fine line between charging someone via assault with intent to kill and simple assault. It includes a highly theoretical and infinitely entangled examination of evidence and inferences about the defendant’s mental state.

I think I’m going to reinstate my undergraduate practice of going home at 8 o’clock every night. That will force me to stay out amongst the living (Borders, coffee houses, etc) and possibly aid my sleeping endeavors.

Prompted by last night’s delve into Disney history, here’s the now-daily installment of Today in Disney History: in 1955, the Mickey Mouse Club first broadcast on ABC. Rah!