Thursday, October 13, 2005

T Minus 22hrs, 30mins

This morning I woke for a bathroom excursion around 2 and could still smell bleach, so I retrieved the good ol’ fan from my bedroom and froze for the duration of my sleep with the patio door open bundled beneath three of those beautiful tapestry blankets I love (with the Unicorns and Horses on them, etc). At least I seem to have successfully ejected all but one of the four flies that had taken up residence in my domicile.

Lost last night was infinitely better than last week, in part because it focused on one of my two favorite characters (Hurley, the fast-food worker who won the lottery with the cursed numbers) and included the other (Claire, the Australian) in more than one scene. Not that anyone but...

Can’t wait for Fright Fest tomorrow! I don't even want to go on rides, I just love to walk around and take in the decorations and the ambiance. Blowing a bundle on those stupid Carnival games would be fun, though.

I’m tired as can be today but I instituted a no-caffeine-for-the-day clause to ensure sleep tonight and maximize my chances of enjoying Fright Fest tomorrow. At least I slept last night, which was a welcome change. I can’t wait to have a sleepover with FuzzButt at home.

I invested in a USA Today this morning to read about the new iPod – it’s über-cool, but seems largely unnecessary in life. For almost $500 you might as well just invest in a portable DVD player, which would be fun to have on long driving trips or while sitting in traffic at toll booths, particularly since you have to shell out an additional payment for every downloaded program. One interesting peripheral article in the paper noted that the demise of Eisner and the rise of Iger at Disney means the impending return of the Pixar-Disney partnership, which will be great. You know if Pixar went anywhere else, they’d die in the water.

Logging yet another entry in my log of totally worthless side notes, I cut out a picture of Zippidy standing on a tube in the pool with his ears pricked, squinting brightly at the camera, and clipped it to the corner of my laptop. One class of thirty-something people, most of whom generally ignore me, produced six individual "Awwww’s."

I have a Hearts mini-tournament tonight from 5-7. Usually, there’s a Beer Darts game that accompanies the Open Keg on Thursday evenings, but for whatever reason, they’re implementing a card tournament tonight, instead. I’m not too good, but neither is anybody else (I’m told) so my lack of experience seems to be a moot point. There’s no prize and really no point when you get right down to it, but a bunch of people from my section are participating and I like the game.

"Do you have a question? No? Do you want to make one up now that I’m looking at you?" – Professor Grant