Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Unfortunately, because my Monday morning Contracts class was cancelled, the professor nudged the start time of today and tomorrow’s classes to 3:35 to make up the lost fifty minutes. Zzzzz.... there were a lot of empty seats. I’m sure people just forgot or overslept and then didn’t want to enter late (which is a massively oppressive act).

Harry the rodent has finally come into his own. This morning he was flittering around like a leaf in the wind – on the wheel, in the food dish, in his house, around the corner, at the water bottle, back through the wheel... around and around. He’s still a giant ball of grey yarn with little pink feet, though.
I have my "client" interview at noon today. They bring over Acting majors from the Drama department and give them a massive set of facts so they can act like a client and it’s up to us to pose the correct questions. Then we have to research the law and write a memo with cases cited and everything to answer the client’s faux-questions. We’ll see how it goes.

Beautiful day, yesterday – 80 degrees. Probably won’t be so lucky today, but it was 69 this morning when I pulled in to school.

Three more days.