Monday, October 24, 2005

Feel Good, Inc.

Another totally overcast day... dropping occasional raindrops with a high of 50 today. Absolutely pathetic.

This weekend at my favorite haunt, Borders, I picked up "Ten Steps to Solve Panic," which described the immense and far-reaching consequences of shallow breathing. I followed the self-test and realized I have, lately, been breathing in my chest rather than with my diaphragm, which is why I always felt like a million bucks whilst running – there, breathing without the diaphragm will result in passing out, so I was forced to take in air properly. Lately I've was feeling lightheaded, woozy and unbalanced, and when I walked up stairs, I would get this full-body flush that really scared me. Obviously I wasn’t getting enough oxygen – when I breathe deeply, the symptoms dissipate. What a difference! I’m such a moron!!

I had difficulty sleeping last night, not due to agitation, but the inability to get my heart beat to slow down. After about an hour I realized I had (stupidly) followed online instructions to take an iron supplement in the morning and calcium in the evening – obviously something in the calcium supplement prompted wakefulness. I guess I’ll be taking that earlier today, hmm?

We’re discussing Degrees of Murder in Criminal Law today... ::insert Twilight Zone sound effects here::

I had a blast decorating pumpkins and making Gingerbread houses this weekend. I wish we would have had more time to decorate the remaining pumpkins, but social engagements are binding. We already have big plans for a Gingerbread Holiday house and Christmas Cookies galore.

On this day in 2001, Disney finalized its takeover of Fox.

"To be negligent is to be a fool. To be grossly negligent is to be a damn fool." – Dean Hurd, quoting a previous professor