Thursday, October 27, 2005

American Gothic

I had my first law student moment last night. I was falling asleep to Beauty and the Beast, and there’s a segment where Cogsworth and Lumiere (the clock and the candlestick holder) were put in a pose reflecting Grant Wood’s famous painting "American Gothic" (the one with the old lady and man in front of a farm fence holding a three-pronged pitchfork). A possible action for Breach of Contract sprang to mind, and I wondered if perhaps that was the reason the scene had been omitted from the first run of the movie in theaters. But... this would qualify under the "fair use doctrine," of the US Code permitting the parody of a famous work without copyright infringement action. Dork alert, dork alert, ::DingDingDing::

In Contracts, there’s a guy two rows ahead of me plays games on his comp for a half hour before every class (good idea, probably). This morning I glanced over and he was playing Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers! From the vintage old Nintendo system I so adored! I used to LOVE that game! Naturally, because these kinds of things are of such supreme import in life, I walked over and asked where he got the game. I guess you can download old Nintendo games onto your laptop It’s a fabulous concept, but I don’t download stuff from the internet anymore... However, just goes to show what a hacker and some unallocated free time can accomplish!

Well, the apartment handyman claims I no longer have a leak in my ceiling. He came and looked at the stain before excusing himself. About thirty seconds later I heard a phantom pounding about on the roof. He returned after about twenty minutes and said there was a crack around the chimney that someone had previously repaired, but neglected in one spot. He claims he patched the hole, and instructed me to phone with further problems. He also spray-painted the patch on the ceiling. Very nice guy.

After class yesterday I went to the Tree Garden to lay on the grass with my laptop and work on my memo sans internet access; hence, the compiled Wednesday-Thursday insert.

I saw a news report this morning that a missing U of I student's body was located. I think she's from the U of Iowa, however, because local news reports haven't paid the story a modicum of attention.