Friday, November 18, 2005

The Traveling Circus

Well, I turned in my memo! On time, too, natch. The rule is, papers have to be deposited in a plastic tub at the front of the class by 8:20 (no joke; she pulls up on the internet to lodge the official time) and once the cover snaps shut, you’re out of luck, end of story. I left the house this morning at 7:10 just to make sure (on the off chance that a train, overturned semi and twenty-two car crash banded together to impede my law career), which turned out to be doubly fortuitous because there’s a basketball game today and ferreting out a parking spot after 8am is like isolating the single deficient Christmas light in a string of five hundred. When we return from Thanksgiving, we have to present the content of our memos in oral format, speaking to our professor as we would a supervising attorney at a firm. Great. Oral reports. I thought I ditched those with Marquette. Anyway, now I’m all bleary-eyed, because I stayed up until 1:30 drafting like some crazed, basement-dwelling journalist under a gunpoint deadline. Then I woke up for one more rewrite this morning before lugging the best conglomerate of crap I could assemble for a ten-day sabbatical down to the car. Watch out, ladies and germs, here comes the Traveling Circus!

A surprising number of people are going to see Harry Potter; so much for “children’s books.”

I can’t wait for Christmas lights to illuminate the drives, and old-time Johnny Mathis classics to fill the air. It’s always exciting when Light 97.3 turns into “the Christmas Light” and spins only holiday songs.... Ali always goes bananas when “Feliz Navidad” comes on. I would nominate “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” as my favorite classic Christmas composition, as sung by Martina McBride if we really want to get particular, and Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas” as my favorite modern one. Not that anybody cares.

Hope traffic won’t be too bad tonight, although I presume that’s just too much to ask. Just to totally agitate me, Professor Grant (writing) waited to post the sign-up sheet for the hitherto discussed “client meetings” until 2pm, while I sat trapped by my Property class. Thus, to secure a decent time, I'll have to swing by her office before leaving. I suppose it’s not a grand diversion in the scheme of things, considering I’m staring down the barrel of what will likely turn out to be a five- or six- hour drive, but I’m always so anxious to jettison, and my parking meter runs out right at 3. Ahh, well. It’s nice that I can worry about this type of thing, and not be consumed by larger concerns.