Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Wednesday, Part 2

Well, slap me silly. Before Property today, class was all aflutter discussing how they all wanted to get into the ADA Statutory Interpretation class, but that was apparently the most desirable section, and it filled up within fifteen minutes. Wow. And to think my deciding factor on enrolling was looking at the professor’s photos on the Faculty Spotlight pages and scoping out the one that least resembled the Grim Reaper. As one of the Disney World cast members said when Ali and I lost our heads after procuring the front seats on the Thunder Mountain Railroad, “Sometimes you live right.”

In my desperate quest to justify driving home this weekend, I'm on the march to find an audio version of the Property or Torts legal outlines, so I could theoretically study whilst traveling. I can’t find a used one that will ship overnight, but I think if I have it sent home it might arrive by Saturday so I can listen on the way back.

In other local news, however, I e-mailed my “mentor” and he said he never attended the TA sessions, deeming them a waste of time. Whew.

Lost tonight. I hope it doesn't suck as much as it did last week. It's like they acquired an Emmy and abandoned their hitherto admirable quest to create an unforgettable program.