Tuesday, November 8, 2005


Awful night of sleep, but I’ve pretty much concluded and proven the hypothesis that I can only consume caffeinated beverages at home. Apparently when I’m at school I have way too much adrenaline already surging and that little bit of added agitation nudges me over the edge.

Tonight I register for the one class next semester I get to “choose.” Unfortunately, we were offered four choices, and the one that sounded interesting to me (federal taxation) has been cancelled. I guess I’m going to try to go with the Americans with Disabilities act, because that will (allegedly) at least tap into the topic of how mental illness is allotted for under the law.

I’ve managed to plug through four hours of nonstop classes thus far. I was supposed to attend a seminar from 12 to 1 on Exam Writing, but it turns out the speaker decided to cop out and accepted an engagement at a different school, so we were just going to watch a video of him speaking, thereby negating our ability to ask questions and likely boring me into slumber the instant they dimmed the lights. The proctors did distribute a free book, though; a rather substantial one on exam writing, so I just acquired a copy and left. I always do better figuring things out for myself, anyway.

I don't know what to think about this weekend. I was intending to stay here for the first time as Thanksgving is next week and I really need to work on my outlines (but never seem to get enough done at home over the weekend). However, my Property professor sent our an e-mail cancelling class on Friday afternoon, which means I could leave at 12 instead of 3, effectively avoiding Chicago traffic and procuring at least three extra hours of home time. Grrrr. I suppose it's not today's issue.

When I got up to go to the bathroom last night around 2:30 or :45, the Koreans were up! I can hear their footsteps when they walk on the kitchen floor. Is there good television on at that hour, or what? Best time to roast rabbits, when the moon is at a particular angle? Hmm.