Wednesday, November 9, 2005

An Unfortunate Event

I woke up this morning with a scratchy, uncomfortable throat and I’d really like to stab the snot out of something in frustration. At first I thought it was in my head, but I’ve been sneezing all morning – not the paltry, clear-your-schnoz type of sneeze that can be circumvented by gazing at a bright light, but the kind that feels like it echoes from deep in your chest. ARGH. Unfortunately, I had to experience the wake-up-sick sensation twice, because I bounded out of bed and started getting ready only to realize the clock read quarter to four, not seven. Sheesh.

I registered for the Americans with Disabilities Statutory Interpretation course last night with little fanfare... unless all of a sudden I realize I royally screwed things up, which is entirely possible. But when I checked my spring schedule the class appeared, so I think I’m all right.

I also downloaded my Final Exam software. They have a special program you use on final exams that “locks out” your desktop and only allows you to access a Word Processing program, thereby thwarting all attempts to cheat or use unauthorized materials. Pretty nifty. If the thing crashes my hard drive, heads will roll.

Ready now? Chant with me: HAR-REE POTT-ERRR!