Friday, December 2, 2005

The Friday Before

That ridiculous Nickelback song grates me like sandpaper every time I hear it. I loathe that guy’s voice (clear your THROAT, dude) and all the band’s songs sound the same, starting mid-phrase3 with no introductory chords to prepare us for the torture so the song just springs up on us. That Sheyrl Crow song blows, too. “Good is Good.” Well, what a monumental conclusion... thank you for enriching my knowledge and understanding of the universe. Does radio in general stink at the moment, or am I imagining that? I procured Johnny Cash’s 16 Greatest Hits from Borders before driving down this week and it’s quite good stuff... by comparison or in an of itself, who can say.

Can’t wait to come home tomorrow. Hope I’m not trapped here by a torrential snowstorm or something like that, because I’d drive myself absolutely batty over the weekend. Can’t wait to see the puppy and be surrounded by people not currently in possession of a one-track-mind oriented on our impending ritualistic torture exams. I’ll probably be home only at night, but it’s just the principal of the thing- being home always kind of wakes me up and clears my mind. Here’s hoping, though, that I don’t have any of the same experiences I had last week...

All right, maybe I’m not such an idiot after all. I went to Dean Hurd’s office hours today for a criminal law review, and someone asked a question... Dean Hurd answered it, but then said, “but I can’t think of a situation where you could know you’re going to be falsely imprisoning someone but not intend to do so...” There was a long silence and a lot of people shook their head. I piped in : “”If you’re employing the shopkeeper’s privilege, and you have to lock the door to keep the thief from leaving, and there happens to be another customer in the store.” Every one of the fifteen heads in this office swiveled to look at me, and Dran Hurd lifted her eyebrows and nodded twice, saying, “Exactly – that’s exactly right. That absolutely would work, good thinking.” I felt like hot stuff for a few seconds.... just a few. Don’t worry, it passed.