Wednesday, November 30, 2005


“I accompanied my wife to her 20th high school reunion over break... And if you ever want to venture into the lower levels of Dante’s Hell... Needless to say, I am thrilled to be back with you.” – Professor Smith

We had a Property exam review session last night and I am scared out of my socks. We have to know all the 150-or-so case names, this, that, the other thing... argh! I am PANICKING.

On the flipside of this negativity, this morning we had the single coolest law school class EVER. It was out last Contracts course of the semester, and Professor Maggs always spends this final day providing a “capsule” summary of all the material covered in the entire semester. It’s renowned among law students as “Maggs’ Last Stand” and lived up to its reputation. He walked in promptly at 9 and spoke nonstop, without-pause-for-fifty-minutes, brushing upon every single “watermark” (particularly important) case we covered all semester in one long breath. Then, at the very end, he said, “Thank you,” and quickly exited stage right to applause. A passage from Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix leapt to mind: “You know, I might not always agree with Professor Dumbledore, but you can’t deny he’s got style.” It was very, very cool. Or maybe my standards have simply been mercilessly dulled by months of interaction with endlessly dull people.