Wednesday, December 7, 2005

One Down, Three to Go

I would really like to go crawl under a rock somewhere and just sleep for about three weeks. Unfortunately, every time I try to sleep, I think about the possibility of bombing my exams and my heart rate speeds through the roof again. Yoga didn’t help, Melatonin doesn’t help.... so I’m caught in this vicious circle whereby I can’t wake up (meriting caffeine consumption) and then I can’t slow down at night. But I refuse to get back into espresso – it always made me feel like walking death, even when it provoked my pulse into an artificial sense of wakefulness. I tried to take a bath last night, recommencing my eternal argument with an overly-enthusiastic drain. Sayran wrap beneath a giant soda bottle, the top of a Tupperware container and an old mouse pad all failed to keep the water in... then I remembered I had yet to use my plunger. That did the trick. Sweet Pea from Bath & Body Works smells wonderful. Unfortunately, my hot water dies after the tub is half full, so my knees never receive adequate coverage, but I’m not going to quibble semantics.

I had a nice surprise this morning, driving to school with the radio on “scan” – ManCow! I found him! After all this time! I’m usually listening to Broadway Classics on Sirius, so I had no way to know of his local existence. Yay! Nothing like some good garbage in the morning to really get the system going.

It’s funny how my mind set has changed since coming to Law School. I used to care about so many trivial things, and now I just kind of streamline my worries on school, health and going home. For instance, when I read that Newsweek article about anorectics – even as recently as last year that would have thrown me into a week of strange eating habits and severely restricted intake, but reading it this year I just wanted to go home and have some tuna. Baby steps.

I had a mini-crisis this morning printing my notecards – the printer jammed. Talk about having a heart attack! I thought I wouldn’t be able to get my notecards out of there. And then I ran out of printer paper, and had to print the remainder on loosleaf. Tacky, but viable.

I can’t wait to come home this weekend, but I have to be cautious not to enjoy myself too much. I have Property on Tuesday (yikes!). I am, in a way, quite glad I partially moved away and had the opportunity to be homesick, because now I’ll appreciate my home life much more. I used to just want to hide away at Borders all day, and now I like being home (up to a point). And I can’t wait to see the puppy! To get mercilessly gnawed, and ceaselessly irritated! This drive home ought to be at least a little more enjoyable than normal due to the imminence of Christmas – perhaps the Rednecks have been inspired to replace their burned-out bulbs. But I guess it's a moot point because I have to FOCUS and keep my EYES ON THE ROAD AT ALL TIMES.