Thursday, January 26, 2006

You Never Know...

So Captain Obsessed-With-Obtaining-a-Great-Seat lucked out this morning - there’s a class in my Criminal Procedure room that starts and ends at precisely the same time as my Americans with Disabilities Act, so nobody had the opportunity to weasel in before me and score my seats, nor did I have to sacrifice a jacket and folder to the cause.

While reading for criminal procedure last night (my last new one), I realized that all six of the first cases assigned in the book involved black guys being screwed over. Additionally, I couldn’t find a Commercial Outline keyed particularly to this book (usually you can find them in thirty versions, one specifically made from a particular version of a text by a particular author); however, I couldn’t even find a crappy outline for this textbook. Logic would systematically conclude, then, that the professor must have had a particular reason for choosing so obscure a text. I drew my conclusion and this morning, in walked a black guy. He called on me today, third, because hw cleverly decided to start at the top of the alphabet calling on people and work his way down. After we chewed the case apart and debated the holding, he asked whether I agreed with the court’s ruling, that evidence procured through torture or coercion violates the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment and thus is not admissible in court even if the person is unquestionably guilty. I answered in the affirmative and made what I thought would be a massive mistake by stating, “Well, I’m the wrong one to ask, because I’m really opposed to putting anyone away.” His eyebrows shot off his forehead, and he proceeded to assault me with hypothetical situations to throw me off the course, ranging from “Well, I shot you because I just don’t like you; you ask too many questions in class” (to which I replied, well, maybe I did something”) to “This guy has information about who’s planning to blow up the Empire State Building, and you’re saying we can’t torture some names out of him?” I reaffirmed my assertion that I couldn’t do it or authorize it, either, and he was so impressed he kept coming back to me throughout the class: “And what does our resident rebel have to say about this holding?” I thought I made a mistake by opening my mouth, but he seemed really impressed by my determination. That or he felt bad for the pathetic moron in the front row, but I’ll take any bone proffered.

Now I'm sitting in a rather redundant and tedious training session for the Lexis online computer research site for my Intro to Advocacy class (I also have to attend a library tour tomorrow; both are reviews, but required...) I was hoping they'd give out a free Sports Water Bottle like they did last semester, but they only gave us Jolly Ranchers. Bah Humbug.