Tuesday, February 7, 2006


Well, the motion has printed.... it’s all set to be turned in at 3:30. I must admit watching other students scurry around like headless chickens to make last-minute modifications had a certain appeal to it.

In Constitutional Law, we have this program where you sign the seating chart when you walk in to assert that you have adequately prepared for class and are prepared to discuss all the cases, so the prof knows who to call on. A student who never misses a sign-in all semester, even for legitimate causes, will receive a half-grade boost at the end of the semester (an A- to an A, or B to B+). Today, as the motion is due, the professor opened the class: “Well, today we have 41 people missing on the sign-in sheet.” (There’s only 60 people in the class.)

I didn’t really realize how tightly this writing assignment had wired my adrenaline system until I woke up this morning moving almost in reverse. Definitely going to be an early evening.

It feels like fall outside today. I almost hate this weather more than the bitter cold - bright sunshine lures you into a false sense of summer until you open the door and the wind slithers through every crack in your clothes. It’s like someone taking a fire extinguisher to an otherwise hardy little flame of optimism.

Today in 1940, Pinocchio was released. Five weeks and change 'till Florida!