Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Medically Speaking...

Thankfully, I turned on my car this morning to 31 degrees. Not much, but not 10 below, either.

I received yet another e-mail today inviting me to attend yet another discussion about the apparently paltry state of my gender in law school - apparently, the amount of female lawyers pales in comparison to the other, inferior half of our species, and the number of female applicants is declining with every year. I guess I ought to be more concerned, but the well-combed employment scout in me can’t help but consider (with a smile) the ramifications this will have on my job search, particularly in relation to employment quotas and such.

Well, like is looking up - the Senate approved medical marijuana manufacturing, up to 10lbs or something like that. It’s off to the house! Skateboarders and punks nationwide are rejoicing.

Speaking of medicine, the school has this really clever social event a few times per semester open to veterinary and law school students - it's called a "medical malpractice" mixer. Clever.