Thursday, February 16, 2006

Almost There

Assembly Hall installed a new sign yesterday that would send Dad shuffling through sixteen shades of green: a massive, Bradley Center - type collection of colored lights that gleefully sport images of upcoming acts in a continual spiral. This means that, while George Strait grins at me every morning in all his elegance, so does that irritating, blubbling purple thing called Barney. And here’s another interesting happening - David Copperfield is coming! Can you imagine? After all this time, the guy is still attempting to make a living off of fallacy and deception. It’s rather eerie how his appearance hasn’t changed in the ten years since I last saw him smoosh himself into a box full of knives.

I gave my Oral Argument for my Motion to Change Venue in the Arnold Schwarzenegger case yesterday - for the dual purposes of “get it over with” and “obtain maximum sympathy,” I signed up for the very first time slot the professor offered. First I gave my four-minute summary of my paper, then the other student gave hers, and finally we both faced a not-so-censored critique from our professor and the pseudo-judge. They told me I need to work on my eye contact (surprise, surprise, I spent a lot of time peering just over the shoulders of my audience). But I apparently showed admirable “deference and respect to the judge” (because I ceased talking immediately when she interrupted my recitation to poke and prod my argument with questions) and answered the challenges to my argument “admirably” (they said I not only produced a suitable answer but also proffered a viable counterargument that effectively killed the controversy). How cool, huh? The final point of critique was duly noted and expected - I must work on my assertiveness, because I had well-defined, researched, prepared and memorized arguments, but a weak manner. Hmmm. I had the mentality down for about half of the presentation, seeing in my mind’s eye Zippidy and a stuffed bunny rabbit in lieu of my professor and a judge, but as soon as they interrupted to poke and prod and pose inquiries, they shattered my imagery. I’ll have to work on that.

I’m seriously considering going to a movie tonight. They have a special this week at the movie theater just up the road for students attending matinees - I think it’s a sign. There’s this movie called The New World that is essentially a live-action version of Pocahontas.

No Advocacy on Friday afternoon - I get to leave at 12! Rah, rah, rah! Only 26 hours! Ahh, I'm pathetic...