Monday, March 13, 2006


I attended a meeting for the Law Review this afternoon. Talk about intimidating! The day after final exams, we will receive the topic for a paper we need to prepare and submit to be judged by a constellation of upperclassmen. We have a month from the end of exams to the due date to prepare the twenty-page paper, which they emphasized must be flawless in execution and brilliant in insight. But, no pressure! Apparently there’s three different journals at the school that you might make it on to, Obviously, everyone wants to join the Law Review, but there’s also the Elder Law Review Journal, and one related to technology. Unfortunately, that has no discernible effect on our chances of procuring admission to the journal.

I am so tired. Yoga last night knocked me out, but then I woke up around 3 and tossed and turned for the remainder of the evening. Ermph. I wish I could hear the rain through my roof.

Well, it’s a Monday... funny how they have a habit of sneaking around and pouncing on you when you’re innocently plugging along.

I’m going to try some Instant Tan this week, so I won’t be at the mercy of the sun in Florida. This oughta be good. Hopefully, I will manage to wake up and not look like I fell in a vat of orange paint.