Monday, March 27, 2006

Of PDAs and Palm Trees

Well, I walked into my apartment last night to the exact same environment I departed eight days earlier. Nothing missing, burned down or otherwise out of place. The tingling feeling of disappointment in my chest that always plagues me when we return from the Sunshine State hit full force as soon as I walked in - I had previously lucked out with only little, manageable bouts of it. So I dumped all my stuff on the floor and took off to the library to try and keep my mind engaged on something else, then came home to clean my bathroom and vacuum my floor. (That kind of behavior is indicative that something in the old noggin isn’t quite functioning.)

I’m trying to slip back into my routine, but the pipes are a little rusty - this morning I progressed about five minutes before realizing I had forgotten my makeup bag and needed to turn around. This week isn’t going to be much fun, because we have the big final draft of our Appellate Brief due on Tuesday. My plan is to work on it every afternoon and have it finished by Friday so I can enjoy the weekend - but, “the best laid plans of mice and men” and whatnot... we'll see how those good intentions pan out.

Walking into school this morning, the birds were chirping - there’s hope... I can’t wait to tool around the suburbs this morning on scooters, go feed the fish, take the large rodent for a walk around the block....

In my quest to preserve my back and reacquire proper posture I transferred all my daily supplies to one bag - I had previously toted one backpack for my laptop and a bag for all my class folders, etc. Now I’m all discombobulated - I can’t find a thing.

So I thought I had prepared and planned before leaving for Spring Break so my PDA wouldn’t lose its mind in my absence. I attached it to an outlet in my room and planned to let it stay in the charger for the entire week, thus ensuring against data loss. Unfortunately, I didn’t account for the fact that, when you turn off the lights in my room, all the outlets cease functioning. Thus, I came home to a completely crashed PDA. I’m going to have to reboot the whole thing and reenter every single piece of data I ever put into it. So much for technology. But I can’t bring myself to trade it in for a paper version - it’s such a suave little contraption.

I can’t believe we’re home already. I wish I had spent more time leading up to our vacation researching Disney and counting down and packing ahead of time and all those goofy things I did in the past, because now I’m back and inspired to read about everything Disney, and there’s no point because I have an entire year to my next visit. Argh. I was just so absorbed in my Appellate Brief and dealing with school that I didn’t take the time to be a goofy twelve year old antecedent to our departure. But I am immensely thankful that we went - without realizing it, between poking around at the parks and hanging out with the family I managed to recharge my batteries (though I’m still running a deficit of sleep) and I’m approaching the remaining weeks of school relatively rejuvenated and much more motivated than a week ago... but I miss sitting in the lobby in the morning, or outside the Gasparilla listening to the old-time music and gazing at the Cinderella Castle.