Thursday, March 30, 2006

Looming in the Distance

Well, my appellate brief’s almost finished, miracle of miracles. Unless I have a major attack of last-minute second-guessing myself, I should have it completed this evening - I’ll leave it here over the weekend so I can’t plague myself with it for two days while I enjoy the time at home, hang with my sister, canoodle with the puppy and generally try to gear down before the exam panic sets in.

I can’t believe we’re back in Wisconsin. I know I keep saying that, but it seems as though the day arrived for use to depart and then boom, I blinked and we were on the plane and home again home again. How could we possibly have been there a week? The time just zipped past (no pun intended). The only upside of time passing is that the time is fast approaching for us to undertake major league poultry egg decorations. I thought maybe we should try blowing out a few so we can keep them beyond the rotten-egg timeline, but I can’t imagine the process would progress as smoothly as it does on Martha Stewart.

Boy, I really miss sitting in the lobby of the Grand Floridian, watching the insane golfers stagger out clutching coffee and attempting to pry their eyes open. Or sitting on a chair outside the Gasparilla, listening to the old-time music and gazing at Cinderella Castle. Did you know the Gasparilla was named for a famous pirate story? If you ask at the checkout line, they’ll loan you a copy of the myth to read. Just another example of Disney’s dazzling attention to detail.

If it appears as though I'm dancing around the subject of school, that's not a coincidence. The atmosphere is starting to hunker down under the weight of our impending ritualistic flagellations - oops, I mean our upcoming examinations. I looked at the schedule and I have Civil Procedure on the 2nd, Criminal Procedure on the 5th, Constitutional Law on the 9th, and Statutory Interpretation on the 12th. Thankfully, even though the first three are in the afternoon (ugh - I prefer the early ones), the last one is in the morning, so I won't have to drive home starting at 5 in the evening for The Big Jettison. Hmm. Just thinking about packing for the summer makes me tired. Ahh, well. I suppose I can always come home and then go back one more time the ensuing week to pick up anything I left behind.